Monday, 22 May 2017



If someone can lift 100 pounds, would you expect them to carry it with them everywhere they go?
If someone can sprint 20 miles per hour, would you expect them to be able to maintain that speed for a long distance?
Of course you wouldn’t. Being able to do something does not mean that you can do it for a long period of time.
So if a wheelchair user can stand to reach something or walk a short distance, why do you assume they don’t need the wheelchair?

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Sunday, 21 May 2017

How to Hold and Use a Cane Correctly

Having had to buy a walking stick a friend sent me this link as I’ve got no idea how to use one correctly. I think it’s too useful to keep to myself x

How to Hold and Use a Cane Correctly

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Pain Assault

Source: painmanagementprincess

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Oh What a Night :-(

So, last night I “slept” using my new body (U) pillow. Yesterday morning I had to take my disabled Mum to A&E (she’s ok) so had to lift her wheelchair in and out of my car. My back was most displeased and was not shy in letting me know how much I had pissed it off.

I used my icepack as much as possible, had a nap and took my painkillers at the right times for the rest of the day.

Then I went to bed. I got myself snuggled into the body pillow and swiftly fell asleep. My back decided that this was a good time to remind me how much I’d pissed it off during the day. Every hour or so I woke up with a pain in my right hip/buttock, similar to sciatic pain but not affecting my right leg. I had to get myself to off bed and walk it off. It was not cramp. I can’t lay on my left side as that it the bad side. I can’t lay on my back because it is absolute agony, even with support under my knees. I spent most of the night awake pleading with my body to let me get some sleep.

I have written last night off as first test night for the body pillow. My back is still very, very angry and I keep feeling like I need a wee, so I’m not sure how tonight is going to go. I just hope the rest I’ve had today will appease the demons and let me get and good nights sleep.

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Why I Love Marvel.


When I was 4, I was the only kid in my class without a dad. I saw Iron man become a millionaire and genius with deceased parents. I knew I was going to be okay.

When I was 5, I was too shy to make real friends, but I saw Rogue battle her anxiety around people. I was strong enough to ask Ryan to play football with me.

When I was 10, I was being relentlessly bullied for being a maths and science junky, but I watched Peter Parker own it and make it his trademark.

When I was 14, I was one of the only brown people in my class. I saw Black Panther slay with the melanin so severely that it didn’t matter.

When I was 15, 16 and 17, I was on a cancer ward bed being pumped full of chemo, watching my hair fall out in chunks and knowing that I had more chance of dying than surviving. Deadpool came out. I fought. I won.

Now I’m 18. I’m struggling with depression, but I’m watching Wolverine battle his demons. I have medical ptsd, and I’m watching Bucky Barnes learn that his body is his own again. I’m disabled and chronically ill, but I’m seeing professor X and daredevil be disabled and spectacular. I watched Steve Rogers become something stronger without losing who he was.

They aren’t just comic books. They are reassurances. They are lifelines.

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A Fiver


disabled person who cannot work: *buys something unessential for £5*

every abled person within a five mile radius: should you REALLY be buying that? us hard working people don't pay taxes so you can go out spending money on whatever you want disability benefits are for ESSENTIALS you must be getting too much if you can afford to spend £5

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Time for Bed...


Me: Time for bed.
Brain: Bed?
Me: Yeah you know sleep.
Brain: :s sleep...?
Me: Eyes closed, brain off. Dreamland.
Brain: I don't understand
*an hour later*
Me: I hate you
Brain: I hate me too

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Heat Intolerance

Okay if someone is heat intolerant and they’re really upset and miserable because they’re outside or without air conditioning when it’s really hot they’re not “having a fit” or being a baby. The heat is making them violently ill and putting them in danger. It’s a dangerous health concern and you’re a huge dick if you’re minimizing that and laughing at them.

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Not Happy


My body: Not happy :(

Me: Uh oh, what's wrong? Is there anything I can do to -


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Saturday, 20 May 2017

Body Pillow Test

My first night using my new body (U) pillow. Hope I get a better nights sleep. The pain has been disturbing my sleep for the last few nights 😴

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• it’s ok to be sad and not know why

• you don’t have to be positive all the time

• you’re allowed to get upset over things, and express yourself over things that hurt you

• it’s ok if you relapse into a previous state, this does not diminish your progress

• it’s ok to cry, you don’t have to play tough all the time.

• you don’t have to push yourself too hard all the time. It’s ok to rest, you know your own limits.

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Acceptance of the Disabled

disabled people are accepted in society just as long as they fit societies high standards and act exactly how disabled people are expected to act by abled people
And then they have to put up with the “you’re so brave/strong,” “you’re so inspirational,” “you cant be disabled! you’re doing normal things,” or anything like that.

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For those of you who don’t have enough spoons.

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Focusing on Getting Better

I think the worst thing you could do with a chronic illness is focus on getting better. It will tear you down physically because you will mistake a good week as a “recovery” and it will tear you down mentally because you will eventually relapse. Focus on being as healthy as you possibly can. Make the most of it. Live in this moment and not next months. Slowly you will see your mental and physical health improve. Its funny how we never find the things we search for.
What 5 years of a chronic illness taught me (via insicknessinhealth)
wow… good perspective to have, I needed that
(via chronicallyliv)

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Friday, 19 May 2017

Hospital Letter - Waiting list

Today I got home from my holiday. I was eager to check my post to see if I’d got my appointment letter through to see a Neurosurgeon. Well, I did get a letter from the hospital:

Now I’m on a waiting list for an appointment!!! I’m hoping the consultant that reviews my referral gives me an appointment ASAP.

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Thursday, 18 May 2017

Mission Sleep Comfortably

As advised by my Chiropractor I’m sleeping on my right side with a pillow between my legs. Although it has helped a lot I still try to roll onto my back or turn over in my sleep which is extremely painful. After reading some forums I have bought a body pillow. I am praying this will help. I’m fed up of broken sleep and waking up in agony. I can’t see the pillow stopping the morning pain but hopefully it will reduce how much I move in my sleep.

I have also bought a walking stick. I really need something to help when I walk as it’s really painful for me to walk too. I also waddle like I've got something stuck up my bum which is slightly embarrassing :-)

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True story...

True story…

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Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Don't Always Have to be Grateful...

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Standing & Walking are a Pain in the Back!!

Whilst holidaying I am doing a lot more walking than usual. I’m walking up and down steps, sand dunes etc. As we walked over the soft sand my left foot rolled under again, although I couldn’t feel anything in my ankle due to the numbness it jolted my back. All of this is causing me a load of pain. Even the double dose of painkillers yesterday morning didn’t really help. Not only am I numb on the left side of my lower left leg and foot I’m also getting more tingling and a burning sensation running down my left leg. I’ve had some cramps in my left leg too! We were supposed to take it easy today but the Farm Shop near by and Hunstanton shops were calling so ended up walking a load more. This hasn’t helped, obviously. I got some sharp pains on the right side of my lumbar spine whilst walking and standing too today. I am sleeping longer at night due to all of the exercise and fresh air but when I wake up I’m in agony. Last night I dreamt that someone was sat on the lumbar part of my back and wouldn’t get off, I was shouting at them to “get the f*ck off” but they wouldn’t move. I really don’t want to hold my friends back :-( Tomorrow is our last day and then home on Friday. Hopefully I’ll have a letter from the Neurosurgical Department with my appointment when I get home. I may have to speak to my GP about my painkillers as I’m still in a lot of pain most of the day. I am so pissed off with this already. I have friends who have had to deal with severe back pain for years, I respect them so much.

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Tuesday, 16 May 2017


We’re having a lovely time here in Norfolk. The Hunstanton Dog Show was brilliant. Harper got 9th place in the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel class and Megan got second in the bitch with the most appealing eyes :-) I’m so proud of them. The rest of the pack had a lovely day meeting new doggy friends and getting loads of cuddles. We have been to the beach several times to walk the dogs.

My back was holding up quite well until this morning. I am in agony! Woke up at 5:45am and took 2x500mg Paracetamol & 2x50mg Tramadol, got up because laying down was too uncomfortable. I made a cuppa and pottered around a bit and at about 6:30 I took my morning tablets which are 500mg Naproxen, 2mg Diazepam, 2x500mg Paracetamol & 2x50mg Tramadol! I’ve used google and it looks like I’ll not get to many side effects, hopefully it’ll help this pain a bit more ;-) I am not going to let my back get in the way of enjoying this holiday. I will be as sensible as possible but will not spend the rest of the week moping around!!

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Thursday, 11 May 2017

The Appointment Booking Letter

I got so excited when I had a letter from the hospital the morning asking me to book an appointment with the General Neurosurgical - Neurosciences Department with the option of 3 hospitals:

University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire - 1.5 miles away

George Eliot Hospital - 8 miles away

Warwick Hospital - 12 miles away

I had the option to book online or by phone. I excitedly logged onto the website and entered the required info only to find out that none of the hospitals have any appointments available!!!

I called the number on the letter and spoke to a lovely guy who advised none of the hospitals had released any blocks of appointments to be booked by this method! He was just as frustrated as me. He advised that he can send my details to the hospital of my choice and they will send me an appointment letter within 2 weeks.

I opted for University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire, not just because it is the closest but because I trust them more than the other 2 hospitals.

So the waiting game restarts…

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NHS - Our Saviours

I have read many posts by Americans who are struggling to afford the treatment they need due to not having health insurance.

We moan about the NHS all the time. We whinge about waiting times in a&e, the time it takes to get appointments for x-rays, MRIs, CT scans and any other consultation or treatment/operations but at least it’s there!

We are so lucky to have access to the heath care we need whether we’ve paid National Insurance from our wages or the benefits we receive when unemployed. The service is overstretched for many, many reasons but at least it’s there.

We don’t need to worry about paying a fee to see our GP. Prescriptions are expensive but you can buy a prepay card for £10.40 a month making regular medications a lot more affordable.

The NHS doesn’t care if your condition is pre-existing, it is non-discriminative.

The nurses, junior doctors and other care staff work horrendous hours to make sure we get the care we need.

I understand the faults and mistakes made by NHS staff but nothing and no-one are perfect.

Support our NHS and be grateful for the care that is at our fingertips no matter what.

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Prove Yourself!

able bodied people trying to “prove” that people arent really disabled doesnt actually help any disabled people, it just makes it harder for us to get accommodations. you (able bodied people) have a preconceived notion about what “real” disabled people are like, but the reality is that disability is different for everyone. theres not just one way to be disabled and by trying to pin down who you think “isnt really disabled”, or even just who you think doesnt deserve accommodations you’re making it more difficult for us we already have so many hoops to jump through to prove we’re disabled enough to deserve accommodations , we dont need able people “trying to help” by telling us who they think is fake when our experiences are vast and differ from person to person
able people can reblog this

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Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Quote by Kylie McPherson

Not quite mastered this one yet :-)

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Things I've learned since becoming ill...

• It’s nobody’s fault. It is genetic. It just happened.

• Do not be too proud or stubborn to ask for help. You need it.

• Brush your teeth and wash your face (even just with a baby wipe) everyday if you’re able to do so. It makes you feel more human.

• Shower or bathe whenever you are able to. Good personal hygiene is good for your mental health.

• Some people will leave. You don’t need those people. Others will stay and they are wonderful human beings.

• You are not a burden. You are not useless. Do not be guilty. Please. Guilt will eat your insides.

• You have not lost who you are. You just now have to make adjustments to accommodate this new thing.

• Accept the fact that you have an illness. Being in denial will only make your mental and physical health worse.

• Clean pyjamas are a divine gift. As are clean bedding and blankets.

• Self care is entirely subjective. If you want to do yoga then do it, if you wanna sit and eat takeout in front of the TV in a squirtle onesie then that’s fine too. Whatever makes you feel good, or at least better.

• If you are tired then rest. Do not burn yourself out. It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, if you need a nap then you have one.

• Talk. Write. Sing. Paint. Draw. Dance. Do something to express your feelings. Don’t keep them inside. You’ll explode.

• Don’t worry if you can’t adjust right away. It takes time. A lot of time.

• Do not feel ashamed or embarrassed. Unfortunately illness often has embarrassing symptoms or such. It isn’t your fault. People who allow you to feel embarrassed about such things are terrible people.

• Keep your sense of humour. Some days it’s the only thing that gets you through.

• There will be good days. Grab them with both hands and enjoy them. Savour them. Spend them doing things you love, things that you can’t do on bad days.

• Prepare yourself to the best of your ability. Like…always have a hospital weekend bag packed for emergencies, keep a bed day drawer or bag near to where you sleep, have food or snacks close by, always have a water bottle…

• Take your meds. Please. If you have a serious illness for the love of god don’t listen to the “big pharma” conspiracy theorists. You need your meds. They keep you alive. They enable you to function.

• Research your illness. Keep yourself informed. But don’t dwell on what might happen. Please don’t scare yourself.

• It’s okay not to feel positive all the time. It’s okay to feel down. It’s perfectly natural. But try to be as positive as you can. For your own sake.

• Your own health comes first. It’s not selfishness it’s survival.

• Be kind to yourself.

• The bad days can be horrific but the good ones are beautiful, and so worth holding on for.

• Don’t give up on love. Just don’t.

• You are a badass warrior.

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Things to NOT say to disabled people

“You’re too young/pretty to be disabled!” “Are you sure you need that? ://” “Have you tried (yoga, eating healthier, excercise)?” “Oh, I get like that too sometimes!” “I know someone who (mentions the only other disabled person you know)” “You really shouldn’t fake that” “___ is over diagnosed these days anyways” (Feel free to add more. If you’ve said these things that’s ok, just try to avoid them. It makes us uncomfortable at best)

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Still doesn’t stop me from feeling like I’m being lazy…

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Physical illnesses are not worse than mental illnesses. Mental illnesses are not worse than physical illnesses.

Physical illnesses are not worse than mental illnesses. Mental illnesses are not worse than physical illnesses. This is not a competition of who suffers more. We can do so much more together than we can apart.  Personally, I love each and every one of you. I will defend you to the fucking last, my friends.

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Examples of Disc Problems

Disc problems. People should be aware. I’ve been asked by almost everyone when I say I have herniated discs.

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Scoliosis problem #6

If you say the word: “surgery”, everyone thinks after the surgery everything is alright, no pain, spine fixed, you can do everything you want. But it’s not true, we have to deal with a total other spine, the pain is horrible the first days, and we probably can’t do everything we could do before… It’s hard for people to understand, and it keeps hard for me to explain…

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The Throne...

It occurred to me the other day that when I go to the toilet I tend to just sit there for a while because it’s actually quite comfortable for my back! Getting up and down is a different story! Does anyone else with lower back pain find toilets comfortable to sit on?

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Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Surgical Referral & Holiday Prep

Yesterday I booked an appointment at my GPs, luckily it was with a locum. I say luckily as my doctors don’t seem to want to acknowledge just how much pain I’m in or how bad my L4/L5 disc bulge is. The locum immediately read my MRI report and started to complete the referral form. I asked if there was a way to make it an urgent referral, she said there wasn’t but as I’m showing signs of neurological issues (weak left foot/rolling ankle) the surgeons should prioritise my case. We’ll see how that goes! I asked for more painkillers as I’m going away to Docking in Norfolk on Friday with friends. I also asked for a repeat prescription as it’s annoying having to call to make an appointment to see or talk to a doctor every 2 weeks and my pain is not going to miraculously disappear overnight (I wish!). She gave me a new prescription for 2 weeks and a fortnightly repeat. I just have to hand the form in at the GP and then collect the meds from the chemist a couple of days later. I also got another sick note this time for 6 weeks. The doctor made me laugh, she said to only take the Tramadol when the pain is at it’s worst! I politely advised her that without the Tramadol I would not be able to move! The day before yesterday I was in agony all day even though I was taking the painkillers! It’s like everyday is a pain wheel of fortune. What will it land on tomorrow?!

Yesterday was quite a good day pain wise so I did a bit of pottering around and made dinner etc. Today I’m regretting it a little. I’m very sore but on the 1-10 scale I’m only at a 6 so still not too bad. Trying to help my housemate sort stuff for the holiday but I’m next to useless. She keeps telling me off for doing things but it’s hard work organising and getting stuff ready to take 8 dogs on holiday!

Now I’m off for a luke-warm bath, I miss my boiling hot baths but the cooler the bath the more it relieves my back.

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Saturday, 6 May 2017

MRI Report

Here is my report. It was the news that I equally expected & dreaded. The L4/L5 disc bulge is significant enough for surgery to be the only option at this point. My Chiropractor advised of treatments but due to the severity he is reluctant to try them due to the risk of making it worse. I need to take my copy of the report and MRI CD to my GP to get a surgical referral. I am feeling a rollercoaster of emotions, glad to know what I’m dealing with, upset with the severity and petrified of potential surgery.

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Friday, 5 May 2017

Partial Results!

Just had a call from the Chiropractor advising that they have received the report. I have booked an appointment for 9am tomorrow to discuss the results in-depth. Basically there is a significant bulging disc and surgery is likely. Apparently there may be other options to help alleviate the pain and symptoms but they will be discussed tomorrow.
So far, it’s what I expected to hear. Let’s see what tomorrow’s appointment brings.

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Thursday, 4 May 2017

Chasing MRI Report

This morning I felt like I was chasing my tail trying to get the report from my MRI!

At 8:46 I called the Chiropractors to see if they had received the MRI report. They had not but advised me to call the clinic to see if it has been sent and to ask them to fax it to them.

At 8:48 I called Heath Lodge Clinic who advised it was due to be posted today. I asked for a copy to be faxed to the Chiropractors only to be told they do not have a fax number for them. I told them I will call them back with a fax number.

At 08:51 I called the Chiropractors who told me they do have their fax number and I must’ve spoken to someone new. They gave me the fax number and told me to call back after 15:00 to see if it had been received.

At 08:52 I called Heath Lodge Clinic and spoke to someone else who took my details and the fax number. They told me they would pass the details to the original person I spoke to.
At 15:42 I called the Chiropractors who advised they had not received the faxed report and to call Heath Lodge Clinic to make sure it had been sent. He then advised me to call back after 15:00 tomorrow if I haven’t had a call from them.

At 15:45 I called Heath Lodge Clinic who could neither confirm whether the report had been faxed or posted! She advised that she would print another copy and fax it to the Chiropractors ASAP.

I am so anxious about the results. What if I’m being a wimp and it’s not that bad or it’s a lot worse than the Chiropractor thinks it is. I just want to know what I’m dealing with and how to get it sorted ASAP. I am sick of being in pain and feeling useless because I can hardly do anything :-(

#spine pain warrior  #sciatic pain  #sciatica sucks  #sciatica  #sciatic discomfort  #sciatic nerve  #nerve pain  #back pain  #lower back pain  #chronic pain  #chronic back pain  #bulging disc  #degenerated disc  #spoonie #anxiety  #anxious  #MRI  #MRI report  #central chiropractic clinic  #heath lodge clinic  #waiting  #impatient  #private health care 

Yay! It Arrived!!!

It arrived! It is epic! 😝💩🐶

#spine pain warrior  #sciatic pain  #sciatica sucks  #sciatica  #sciatic discomfort  #sciatic nerve  #nerve pain  #back pain  #lower back pain  #chronic pain  #chronic back pain  #bulging disc  #degenerated disc  #spoonie #poop scoop  #long handled poop scoop  #poop  #poop scooper  #poop scooping  #cleaning up after my cavaliers  #cleaning up after my dogs  #responsible dog owner

Monday, 1 May 2017

MRI Video

All this resting malarky is boring so I made a video of some of the MRI images on the CD given to me by the clinic. I love seeing X-Rays, scans etc, especially my own :-)

#spine pain warrior  #sciatic pain  #sciatica sucks  #sciatica  #sciatic discomfort  #sciatic nerve  #nerve pain  #back pain  #lower back pain  #chronic pain  #chronic back pain  #bulging disc  #degenerated disc  #spoonie  #MRI video  #MRI  #bored